SafeHouse Podcast

Season 4 Episode 12

Busting Addiction & Its Myths - Season 4

Busting Addiction and Its Myths

The purpose of Safehouse podcast is to help families learn the truth about addiction and alcoholism so that they can take the right action to help the addict they love and to help themselves at this critical time in their lives. Exposing the truth about addiction and alcoholism also requires that we bust the myths surrounding both addiction/alcoholism and the recovery process.

Why is The Addict Doing This to Me?

Season 4 – Episode 12

I suppose the easy answer is that addicts do what they do because that’s what addicts do. In other words, they don’t need a reason, none of it makes sense, and it can be awfully mean-spirited at times.

Clearly that is not in any way an adequate answer.

We need a much deeper understanding of why addicts do what they do and why they think the way they think. If we are to lessen the confusion, bring a measure of peace into our existence and be in a better position to be of actual help to our addicted loved one, we need to bring some truths into the light.

Other Episodes: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

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