SafeHouse Podcast

Season 3- Episode 04

Busting Addiction & Its Myths - Season 3

Busting Addiction and Its Myths

The purpose of our podcast is to help families learn the truth about addiction and alcoholism so that they can take the right action to help the addict they love and to help themselves at this critical time in their lives. Exposing the truth about addiction and alcoholism also requires that we bust the myths surrounding both addiction/alcoholism and the recovery process.

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Season 3 – Episode 04

Hello, this is Bruno J., your host for episode 4 Of Busting Addiction and Its Myths, and today we are going to try something completely different. There are two parts to this: I am going to ask you in no uncertain terms to share your feedback and your story and send your email to me at Addiction and alcoholism and its effects on the loving and suffering family are mighty serious, so I focus on that topic with great intensity. It’s my #1 goal to carry the message of hope to families who suffer from the effects of addictive disease.

Guess which episode has been popular so far? It’s called The Whole Family Is Sick and I think the reason so many listeners chose it as their favourite is that a) It’s a head-turner and b) people are curious to know exactly what do I mean by the whole family when it is obvious it’s just the addict who is sick, right?

I go on to explain that the family is dancing with the devil (I happen to like the metaphor, even though it suggests an evil force when it is nothing of the sort), and they don’t even know it. So even though they try mightily to control, and in so trying, they cajole, they’ll deny, hide the booze, scream at the addict,

manipulate, punish, withdraw, enable, cover, and resent, fear the future, or fantasize about and wish for a miracle, nothing changes and always, it gets worse. It’s a jagged line down, but in the end, it’s a downward slide.

The truth is that the family is Powerless over drugs and alcohol just as surely as is the alcoholic or addict himself.

Other Episodes: 01 | 02 | 03 pt1 | 03 pt2 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

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