The purpose of our podcast is to help families learn the truth about addiction and alcoholism so that they can take the right action to help the addict they love and to help themselves at this critical time in their lives. Exposing the truth about addiction and alcoholism also requires that we bust the myths surrounding both addiction/alcoholism and the recovery process.
Now I know that it is supposed to say the Pursuit of Happiness, but I will later show how the direct pursuit of happiness can lead you down the wrong path.
In the US, The Declaration of Independence dated July 4th, 1776 is a highly revered document.
It is one of the very first documents articulating human rights. It gave rise to other nations’ pursuit of democratic goals. As an example, the French motto during their democratic revolution which overthrew King Louis XVI in 1789 was expressed as “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.
The Declaration expressed in written and in no uncertain terms the position of the colonists of the day. The preamble to the Declaration says this:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness”.
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